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Eva Yatsenko
Russian, Bagdarin

Eva Yatsenko, 4 years old. P. Bagdarin. An active, positive, smart and purposeful girl. Loves animals, ice cream and the sea. Eva has three four-legged friends. Black dog Rich, Cane Corso breed, is her protector and guard. Furry friend Bonya and British cat Simba are very soft and fluffy. Evochka helps take care of her pets by feeding, watering, washing, combing and performing the most important task - playing with them. Eva goes to vocal and choreography class. Easily does the splits and does a cartwheel. He often performs on stage. He loves to draw, sculpt, and play school. Evochka collects toys from Kinders and Sweet Box. Evushka took part in many competitions and now does not stop there. She already has many diplomas, certificates, tiaras, cups, badges, etc. Here are some of them : 1st degree diploma for participation in the photo exhibition “How I Spent the Summer” 2021. 1st degree diploma for participation in the creative competition “Gifts of the Autumn Beauty” 2021. Winner's diploma in the 0-3 year old category "Little Miss and Mister Autumn 2022" Beautiful children of Russia, Diploma of laureate of the All-Russian children's festival Super talent Russia 2022, Certificate for participation in the online competition "The most beautiful girl in Russia" 2022, Diploma for an active life position, determination and positive attitude from Russian Beauty kids 2022, Diploma winner of the Grand Winner title of the All-Russian children's online competition Mini Miss Russuan 2022, Diploma of the competition show "Mothers and Daughters" in the category "Audience Award" 2022. Diploma of the competition show "Mothers and Daughters" in the category "Miss and Mrs. Fantasy" 2022. Diploma of the winner in the category "Magazine Editor's Choice" and the title "Miss Russian Beauty Kids" of the children's competition "Beautiful Children of Russia - 2023", Certificate of participation in the children's competition "Beautiful Children of Russia - 2023", Diploma of the winner of the online project of the All-Russian children's online competition "Miss and Mister Autumn - 2023" Title: "The most fashionable girl 2023" Certificate of participation in the online competition "Remember Summer" 2023 Diploma of the winner of the competition "Talented Children of Russia - 2023" in the category "Little Fashion Model" He even has a Certificate for showing patience and overcoming bitter tears during a blood test!!! This is only some of the rewards. There are also many certificates and diplomas for active participation in dancing, singing, etc. Eva was featured on the cover and spread of the magazine "KIDS LIFE" January 2023. At the moment, she has 2 active certificates for publication in a magazine, cover + spread, and also several active competitions.

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In category 4 age


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